Daniel is our Inspirista of the month! Daniel loves being in community (thanks for being a part of OUR community, Daniel) and is a quiet, but a friendly guy. He’s such an incredible addition to our team.
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He is an amazing, and we mean AMAZING, artist! The artwork that he creates is extremely detailed and is absolutely stunning. Daniel does commission work pieces – just email him at: danbovellart@gmail.com to get your custom pencil-drawn piece done!
Daniel is our espresso-shot guy – he is thorough and pays extra close attention to details. Perfect for that consistent and perfect espresso. Just look at his artwork to see what we mean.

He has played piano for 6 years and is a wonderful pianist. He graduated from Judson University in Elgin and is currently just enjoying being a part of his community at Inspired Coffee.
Here’s a little bit more about Daniel:
What excites you most about working at Inspired?
That I get to make good coffee and give it to people.
What inspires you?
Being independent and art.
Who Inspires you?
My friends and family.
What do you like most about working here?
That I can become more independent and serve good coffee to people.

Thank you, Daniel, for being such a great team player here at Inspired Coffee shop! We are so grateful to have you around.