
Inspired Connection – June 2021
Laura is our Inspirista of the month! She is one of our fabulous barista’s here at the coffee shop. This girl adds pizzaz with her fun sense of style. Laura loves to stand out with her nail polish, make-up and with her outfit choices. She always brightens the coffee...

Inspired Connection – May 2021
Nick is our INSPIRISTA of the month, and he is one of the friendliest guys you’ll meet! Nick is our gentle giant; he is well over six feet tall, but has the kindest voice and most tender heart. Nick is one of our trainees that has been with us since the beginning...

Inspired Connection – April 2021
Daniel is our Inspirista of the month! Daniel loves being in community (thanks for being a part of OUR community, Daniel) and is a quiet, but a friendly guy. He’s such an incredible addition to our team. Processed with VSCO with m5 preset He is an amazing, and we mean...

Inspired Connection – March 2021
Jani is our Inspirista of the month! We are so grateful to have Jani as part of the Inspired team, she has brought so much warmth and joy to our coffee shop! When you come into the shop, Jani is often one of the first faces you’ll see - she loves to greet people as...

Inspired Connection – February 2021
Christi is our Inspirista of the month! Christi’s been with us since the beginning, and has the delight of calling Inspiration Ministries her home. Whenever given the chance, Christi will tell you all about her beloved Bears team - the players stats, exciting plays,...

Inspired Connection – January 2021
Dameon is our Inspirista of the month!

Inspired Connection – December 2020
Denise is our featured Inspirista for December, get to know her!

Inspired Connection – November 2020
Get to know Lexi, our Featured Inspirista for the month of November!